Food additives contribute to food production in food processing
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Food additives contribute to food production in food processing

Release date:2022-10-17 Author:翊成网络g Click:

Food additives are mostly synthetic chemicals, which enter the human body when people are willing to accept them and act unconsciously. Food additives have many wonderful functions. They can make food color, smell and taste better, and have a longer shelf life, so they are widely favored. However, since most food additives are synthetic chemicals, long-term or excessive consumption may bring disaster to people. For example, long-term or excessive use of food colorants (such as Red No. 2, 3, 104, 105, 106; Yellow No. 4, 5; Blue No. 1, 2; Green No. 3, etc.) has been found to have carcinogenic, genotoxic, chromosomal abnormalities, metabolic damage and other effects in rats. In addition, the meat is cured with nitrate or nitrite, which is used as a coloring agent and preservative. The foods treated with nitrate or nitrite include bacon, beef, various sausages, smoked fish and cured fish.

food additives

It has been found that nitrate is reduced to nitrite by bacterial action, and nitrite can react with amino compounds, the decomposition products from proteins, to produce carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds. In addition, MSG is not a nutrient and cannot be used as a tonic. Excessive consumption of MSG will destroy the normal proportional relationship between bone tissue metabolism, thyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone, causing slow bone growth, decreased sexual function, obesity and vision loss. In 1973, the standard jointly developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization stipulated that the human body could eat 120mg MSG per kilogram of body weight per day. As for saccharin, which has been used for 90 years and has no nutrition or calories for human body, the debate on whether it is safe to use saccharin has lasted for more than 30 years, and there is no final conclusion so far. In 1977, the World Health Organization believed that the toxicity of saccharin must be further studied, and the safe dosage was 2.5 mg/kg body weight/day.

In food processing, in order to help the production, processing, manufacturing and storage of food, prevent food corruption and deterioration, increase the color, smell, taste, shape and other sensory properties of food, and improve the nutrition of food, some chemicals are often added as food additives, which can be divided into preservatives, pesticides, antioxidants, colorants, hair color agents, bleaches, flavoring agents, thickeners, emulsifiers, expanders Reinforcing agent, etc. There are thousands of commonly used food additives, most of which are synthetic chemicals.

In the process of food processing, add an appropriate amount of chemicals to interact with some components in the food to make the products appear good color. These chemicals are called chromogenic agents. Nitrate and nitrite are commonly used as colorants in meat curing products. The red color of raw meat is mainly the mixed color of myoglobin (Mb) and hemoglobin (Hb).

Myoglobin is a complex coordination compound containing divalent iron ions. The divalent iron ions in myoglobin are easily oxidized to ferric iron ions by oxygen in the air, which makes myoglobin brown. Colorant nitrate is reduced to nitrite under the action of nitrite bacteria, and nitrite is converted into nitrite under acidic conditions (generally, meat contains lactic acid, pH is 5.6-5.8, so nitrite can be generated without adding acid). Nitric acid is very unstable, and it can be decomposed to produce nitroso (- NO) even under normal temperature. Nitroso reacts with myoglobin quickly to produce bright, bright red nitroso myoglobin (MbNO), Nitrosomyoglobin emits sulfhydryl group (- SH) after being heated, and becomes nitroso hemochroma with bright red, so as to have a color effect.

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